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Today…Has Been a Good Day.

CB71F96A-2EE9-4BF8-8B58-EE68B40E62AF.jpegToday has been a really good day actually.

I took my toddler daughter on a walk around the neighborhood early this morning. We saw lots of cool things like a big dark frog, and a boat out on a pond. We both ate a very healthy lunch of avacado, tomato, and oranges. So I’ve started a diet again to lose the pregnancy weight. I’m eating high protein, few calorie, low carb diet. It’s actually very easy. I just eat my favorite vegitables and lots of eggs. Sweet potatoes are also really yummy!

That’s what we are having tonight: sweet potatoes, poached eggs, and green beans.

We also read a bunch of books, and went to the splash pad. We didn’t stay long though, an older boy accidentally knocked my daughter into a pole and tripped over her. Total accident but she didn’t want to play anymore and wanted to go home. So then we washed up and took a 2 hour nap!!

And somewhere in there the song Baby Shark Doo Doo Doo makes its rounds in our daily life.

I’ve been pretty productive today. Cleaning, cooking and staying pretty positive for a Monday.

How’s your day going? I hope you are all doing well ❤️


Love Mrs. M


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